Explore Easter
Join Nathan and Maria as we explore Easter together in this fun and creative retelling of the Easter story!
Episode 1 – Palm Sunday: In this episode, we’re dropped into the bustling streets of first-century Jerusalem! Why is there a big parade happening, and who’s at the center of all the excitement?
Episode 2 – Good Friday: This episode dives into how and why Jesus gets “cancelled” on everyone’s first-century socials. How did the celebrated teacher go from being cheered in the streets to being arrested in less than a week?
Episode 3 – Easter Sunday: Our hosts—and everyone in first-century Jerusalem—are in for a big, wonderful surprise. How does this good news spread across the city and around the world?
Explore Easter comes with a complete school resource pack, featuring a TEACHER'S GUIDE and cross-curricular reflection activities, plus a bonus pack for churches and sessions outlines for SU Groups.
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