Tim Raynes
Ministry at the Margins Lead
E: tim.raynes@suscotland.org.uk
New Olympia House
13 Olympia Street
G40 3TA

It is an honour to work across SU Scotland, facilitating and developing our ministry with children and young people who live at the margins.
With a quarter of young people in Scotland living in relative poverty, there is much we need to give our time, attention and resource to in our vision towards them. And yet, poverty is just one aspect of how a young person may experience marginalisation – for others it could be as a result of a parent being in prison, being care-experienced or a refugee, because of their additional support needs, or maybe due to the colour of their skin, to name a few.
The whole of Scripture shows God's active concern for those marginalised. I am committed to helping position us individually and organisationally share this same active concern, humbly walking alongside to listen, learn and together grow into who Christ has called us to be.
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