Susie Ford

Hello! Thank you for your interest in what SU Scotland are doing in Dundee and Angus!
Below is a snap shot of what is going on. If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for my termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. I hope you enjoy reading about what is going on at the moment and please get in touch if you’d like to be more involved.
Jesus told us that apart from him we can do nothing. Not less, or less effectively, but nothing. We therefore seek to be dependent on God in everything we do at SU Scotland and we’re incredibly thankful for so many faithful people who join us in this aim by praying for us regularly.
Our Pray for Schools page is one way of being involved – here you can sign up to pray for a local school. Perhaps it’s one you have a link with through children in your family or teachers you know. Perhaps it’s one you pass often. By signing up you can opt to be linked with others praying for this school, or simply let us know that someone is remembering this school in prayer as we aim to make every school a prayed for school. If you would like to support us in prayer, we have regular prayer meetings across the city. Contact me to find out more, or to sign up for my quarterly prayer news which includes our prayer dates and locations.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
School SU Groups are a great opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible at lunchtimes or after school in a safe setting that is open to all, regardless of faith, background, orientation or disability. There are over 100 schools in Dundee and Angus, and I would like to see children and young people in all of them have this opportunity to explore the Bible. If you might be able to help, click here to find out more!
SU Scotland also offer opportunities to explore the Bible in class time. Bible Alive is an interactive and lively journey through the whole Bible in seven one hour sessions for P5-7. This programme receives great reviews from teachers and pupils and is currently being delivered in Dundee, Arbroath and Montrose.
Additionally, SU Scotland deliver Christmas and Easter workshops for senior primary pupils – these are greatly enjoyed by pupils and teachers alike and take just two hours, so if you would like to be involved but have little time, these might be just the opportunity you’re looking for. I’d love to see these resources used more widely in the region so please get in touch if you’d be interested in this exciting work!
Our secondary age young people come together once a month on a Friday evening for either Connect Group or Equip Dundee. These events provide opportunities for young people to hang out, enjoy snacks and games, and get into the Bible. You can find out more at and
Holidays & Weekends
Residentials are one of my favourite things! A chance to go away from home, eat great food, explore the Bible in age appropriate and interactive ways, take part in activities like biking and archery and a whole lot more! Dundee and Angus have a primary and secondary weekend away each year and the only thing better than that are our week-long holidays – check out the SU Holidays page for more info... and we have a bursary programme so please don’t be put off by the cost, I want every child and young person to be able to experience an SU Holiday!
Jesus loves the church and so do I! I’m so grateful for the support that local churches give to the work of SU Scotland – there are many things that wouldn’t be possible without them. In return, if your church would appreciate help with children’s ministry training, holiday clubs or letting your young people know about our events, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!
If you’d like to hear more about what God is doing in Dundee and Angus then why not sign up for my quarterly prayer news, which you can do on this page (by the donation bit).
I’m really excited about what God is doing in Dundee and Angus and the incredible good news he has for all children and young people. Thank you again for your interest and I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you’ve read and what prompted you to find out more about our work, so don’t stop here, I’ll be delighted to hear from you!