Roy Osborne

How amazing is the region of Perth, Kinross & Fife? Let me tell you... I have the great privilege of supporting the ministry of SU Scotland in some of the finest areas of Scotland.
Let me share with you what is happening around the region. If you are keen to hear more you can sign up for the termly PKF Prayer News Update below. You can even possibly get involved with the ministry through prayer, giving financially or volunteering by emailing me.
School SU Groups are one of the best opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible at lunchtimes or after school. This is an inclusive environment where any child or young person can discover great truths, make friends and have fun. We have over 250 schools in Perth, Kinross & Fife with new SU groups starting across the school year.
Get in touch if you…
- Want to find out if there is an SU Group near you
- Interested in supporting one of your local school groups
- Would like to start your own SU Group
What about getting trained up to deliver Bible Alive sessions in your local school? Please get in touch to know more.
Find out about Christmas and Easter workshops for primary pupils. These can be run in partnership with local churches and build links with the school. Workshops are another great opportunity for children to explore Biblical truths.
All of the ministry we do through SU Scotland would not be possible without prayer. One of SU Scotland’s values is ‘Dependence on God’ which is where we seek to do everything through Him and for Him. We have some incredible prayer warriors that partner with us in prayer consistently.
Jesus told us that apart from him we can do nothing. Not less, or less effectively, but nothing. We therefore seek to be dependent on God in everything we do at SU Scotland and we’re incredibly thankful for so many faithful people who join us in this aim by praying for us consistently.
Are you praying for your local schools? Our Pray for Schools page allows you to sign up to pray for a local school. You might be connected to a school through your family or you might know teachers or staff. By signing up to pray for a school you can support us in making sure every school in Scotland is being prayed for. Please email me if you would like to know more about praying for a local school.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
Connect Groups, Discipleship & Training
Our secondary age young people come together once a month on a Friday evening for Connect Group. These events provide opportunities for young people to hang out, enjoy snacks and games, and discover more about the Bible.
We also have events to disciple, train and support them to serve God.
- Equip Pupil Leader Training runs through the year for senior pupils getting involved in running their school SU Group.
- The October Go Conference aims to help S4-S6 pupils be better equipped to live as disciples in school and among their peers.
- The COmMISSION programme trains and prepares 16-23 year olds to be team members at SU Holidays and Missions.
Holidays & Weekends
One of the best parts of my job are residentials! These chance to get away, explore the Bible in age appropriate and interactive ways, be surrounded by faithful and positive team and young people, take part in activities like zip-lining and archery and not to mention eat some amazing food!
Perth, Kinross and Fife run three weekend camps a year, in February we run an All-age Weekend for P5-S6, in May we run a Primary Weekend for P5-P7 and then in November we run a Secondary Weekend for S1 -S6. I am leading longer camps across the year such as ES1 at Easter and LM6B in August so get booked in for even more fun.
Find out more on the SU Holidays page. We even have a bursary programme so please don’t be put off by the cost, every child and young person should be able to experience an SU Holiday!
The Vision of SU Scotland is to see every child and young person in Scotland exploring the Bible and responding to the significance of Jesus. We do this through partnerships with volunteers and churches. I would love to support your church with any training, setting up a holiday club or if you’d like me to come and share more about what SU Scotland are doing your area please get in touch.
If you value the work of SU Scotland, please do consider looking to see if you or your church can financially help the ministry in Perth, Kinross & Fife. You can give online by scrolling to the bottom of my page and making a regular donation or one-off donation.