Pamela Sloan

Pamela Sloan is part of the dynamic duo who cover the North East & Shetland as a Regional Worker. She is on fire for God and are passionate and determined to provide opportunities for more young people to explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus.
If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for our termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. Also there are so many opportunities to further the Good News, we always need more volunteers! If time is too limited to volunteer, you can support the region financially on this page too. The more people involved in volunteering and giving - the more we can do!!
So what’s on in the North East?
Our monthly prayer meeting for the region is held via Zoom on the first Monday of the month, starting at 7.30pm. If you would like to join any of our prayer meetings please email me and we will send you the link.
Prayer is the key priority in all that we do and the result is so many new doors being opened to us in schools. We actively promote our Pray for Schools programme to encourage people to pray for the schools around them and, in particular, to pray for all the primary schools which feed into the secondary schools. We know that teachers and parents feel so blessed that their schools are being prayed for.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
God is doing amazing work in the North East & Shetland. Doors are opening in schools after years of prayer and the number of SU Groups have been growing since Covid times.
SU Groups take all shapes and forms, they can be a group of pupils having a chat or a busy classroom of pupils engaged in a fun activity. The groups normally meet at lunchtime in an available room and run with the agreement of the school’s senior management team. The Bible is central to the programme, and activities can include games, drama, film and music clips, crafts and reflection. Programmes are designed to be inclusive as groups are open to pupils of any faith or none – as well as creative, fun and age appropriate. We have fantastic resources for both primary and secondary groups.
We enthusiastically assist in all areas of getting a new group up and running and will be delighted to meet, train and support all team members. But we don’t just assist new groups - we help, support and encourage all existing volunteers. Without our valuable volunteers there would not be as many SU Groups running in the region. We are so grateful for every one of them.
We are eager for every young person to have an opportunity to access an SU Group so please do get in touch if you would like to know if there is a group running in the schools near you, and if not, with prayer and your help, we will get one started. We are always looking for volunteers so if you can spare an hour a week, please let us know.
Our SU Group volunteers are encouraged to link into our Facebook groups
The Facebook group for accredited primary SU Group Volunteers
The Facebook group for accredited secondary SU Group Volunteers
SU Holidays and Weekends
SU Holidays are one of our front-line ministries, and we are always keen to get North East young people to camp! Cheri also runs one North East primary weekend and one North East secondary weekend each year. Please keep an eye on our website for future weekend dates and please see the SU Holidays website for up-to-date information on summer camp options. We’d love to answer any questions you have about SU Holidays!
We would love to support churches if we can, even though the North East & Shetland is a very large region! If you would like to consider starting a Mission, perhaps with other Churches in your area, we would be delighted to explore that with you. Or, if your church currently runs a Mission or Holiday Club, please talk to us about a partnership with SU Scotland which may well complement and support you in the event’s continued development. Please do get in touch.
Keep in touch
We would love to keep in touch. Please do sign up for our regular prayer newsletter to find out more of God’s amazing work in the North East & Shetland.
Thank you for taking the time to find out about all the exciting work going in this region. We would love you to support us by praying, volunteering, giving and keeping in touch.