Owain Evans

Hello, I am glad you want to find out more about what’s happening in Dumfries and Galloway. It’s exciting to be working in such a diverse and beautiful part of the country.
Below is a snap shot of what is going on. If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for my termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. Also there are so many opportunities to further the Good News, weather it’s through prayer, talking to others, volunteering and supporting the region financially The more people involved - the more we can do!
This work doesn’t happen without prayer being at the heart. To this end we have a few different ways you can pray for the ministry:
If you are involved in a prayer group (or would like to be) for a specific school, then you could visit our Pray for Schools and find out more details about how to register alongside those across Scotland who are praying for specific schools.
Then is a monthly prayer update sent via email at the start of the month. Alongside these emails there are monthly Zoom prayer meetings – online prayer meetings aren’t everyone favourite but this let’s us connect with people from all across the region! If you would like to receive the emails or join the online prayer meetings then do contact me and I’ll add you to the mailing list.
If you are interested in signing up for my quarterly prayer letter which focuses on Dumfries and Galloway, then please email Owain.evans@suscotland.org.uk and we will add you to the mailing list.
Dumfries and Galloway is a big area, and while I might want to, I can’t be everywhere at once. However, there are churches all across the region and I would love to support them as they seek to reach the children and young people in their communities. Please do get in touch if you would like support in equipping youth leaders, running a holiday club or mission, organising a curricular event for your local school - such as Christmas Unwrapped or Easter Code.
Additionally, for creative, practical, and realistic ways in which your congregation can support their local school, please visit our Serve Your Local School website.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
SU Groups are an extra-curricular activity clubs which generally form part of a school’s informal curriculum. They can run either during a lunch time or after school, and are an inclusive opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible in a safe environment.
There are groups running across Dumfries and Galloway and we are hugely thankful to the volunteers who serve in these. Every group runs differently depending on the young people and the skills of the leaders. We are always looking for opportunities for starting groups in new schools!
If you would like to know more about groups in your area or if you are interested in being involved, then please do get in touch.
SU Scotland also offer opportunities to explore the Bible in class time. Bible Alive is an interactive and lively journey through the whole Bible in seven one hour sessions for P5-7. This programme receives great reviews from teachers and pupils and is currently being delivered all across Dumfries and Galloway.
Additionally, SU Scotland deliver Christmas and Easter workshops for senior primary pupils – These take just one to two hours, so if you would like to be involved but have little time, these might be just the opportunity you’re looking for and they make a great introduction and starting activities with a school.
Holidays and Weekends
Our ministry doesn’t stop in the school holidays. That’s when SU Holidays start up. These are residential camps that take place all over Scotland and we would love more people from Dumfries and Galloway to attend. The camps are a great opportunity to develop relationships, provide Bible teaching and have fun! Find out more on the SU Holidays website, or get in touch to request holiday brochures to promote the holidays at your church. If you'd be interested in volunteering at a residential event then I'd love to hear from you!
Locally we run a Secondary Weekend in February and a Primary Weekend in the May for the young people of Dumfries and Galloway.
Thank you for taking the time to read through some of the things happening in Dumfries and Galloway. If you are interested in being involved with SU Scotland, would like more information, or would like support in your current activities we are more than happy to help so please do get in contact.