Lyndsey Cole

I’m Lyndsey and I have the joy and privilege of working with young people across West and central Scotland.
I am mum to 2 (Joseph 6 and Sarah 3) and wife to John (I’ll spare embarrassing him by adding his age). We love being outside and going for walks along the Clyde walkway and surrounding areas.
We love spending time watching family movies together and singing and dancing our hearts out in the house.
We live in Newton Farm, Cambuslang and have done for the last 7 years, it’s been exciting to see God working in the local community. I haven’t always been involved in ministry, my background is in medicine, so occasionally I’m a helpful addition to a quiz team, becoming a mother has renewed my desire to share the good news with children and young people across Scotland and independent schools have a special place in my heart.I am pleased to share with you the work of SU Scotland in independent schools in the west of Scotland!
Below is a snap shot of what is going on. If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for my termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. Also there are many opportunities to further the Good News, we always need more volunteers! If time is too limited to volunteer, you can support the region financially on this page too. The more people involved in volunteering and giving - the more we can do!!
One of our values in SU Scotland is dependence on God, so prayer for the work being done in independent schools is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to join the group of teachers, parents, and others involved with independent schools, to pray once a month during term time, please get in touch and I will send you the information.
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
SU Groups are an extra-curricular activity providing an inclusive opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible in a safe environment. It is an exciting part of my job where I get to visit and participate in these SU Groups and help support the volunteers. I have the fantastic opportunity to gather with the children and young people in their schools and look at God’s word and have fun together.
These groups can be led by a range of volunteers (parents, teachers, youth workers and even senior school pupils themselves). I really enjoy supporting these volunteers and helping develop senior pupils develop into young leaders.
There is huge value in spending a concentrated time with children and young people in a temporary Christian community. If you are a parent, perhaps you would first consider sending your child to the independent school’s weekend, where a taste of the activities and fun can be sampled? A weekend flies by so quickly so many young people and volunteers like to return for a week-long holiday, which they would be welcome to spend with us at AV7, the final SU Holiday of the summer at Alltnacriche near Aviemore. Details of all weekends and SU Holidays can be found here.
Thank you for taking the time to read about what’s happening in independent schools in the west. If you can support the work by praying, giving or volunteering then please get in touch, it would lovely to hear from you.