Kirsten Thomson

Kirsten has led the Gap Year program voluntarily since 2017. Her responsibilities include overseeing the various aspects of the programme, such as recruiting and interviewing candidates, finding and managing placements, providing training, and pastoral care. If you or someone you know is interested in our Gap Year, she would be delighted to hear from you.
“Leading SU Scotland’s Gap Year programme is a privilege as I support students from the pre-interview stage all the way through to the end of their year and beyond.
SU’s Gap Year provides an opportunity for young adults to take a break from education or work to focus on their relationship with God and serve Him and the young people of Scotland. And as they engage in this journey, it is inspiring to see them grow in faith, character, confidence, and skills as they are transformed by God and experience Him at work.
Hearing their stories throughout the year, and then what they go on to do after, is exciting, humbling, faith building stuff!
I am also excited by the latest development, that we can now offer our Gap Year’s a level 7 SQA qualification in Youth and Children’s Work, allowing us to give back for their service and sow into their future.”