John Pizzuto-Pomaco

I have decided to do a Gap Year with Scripture Union Scotland because I yearn to see more young people responding to Christ. So often the gospel message is distorted by society. As Christians, it is our role to present the true gospel through our words and actions, and I am excited to spend next year continuing to do just that, particularly here in Scotland.
I will greatly appreciate the support and practical experience given by SU Scotland throughout the year, which will help to develop my skills in this area of ministry. I am considering becoming a minister, so this year will allow me the space and support to discern what God wants next for me. And…I’m sure it will be lots of fun!
Gap Year’s emphasis on growing in faith excites me as I yearn to draw nearer to God. And so, I hope throughout the year to deepen my faith, as I discern future plans. I hope to learn how to portray the gospel as relevant to young people’s lives. I also hope to grow in my confidence in leading young people, and in walking alongside them in the moment. Learning from experienced practitioners, other Gap Year volunteers, and even the kids themselves, will help me to grow.
In my spare time I love spending time with my 5 year old sister Lydia, and my dog Libby. I enjoy walking in Scotland’s beautiful nature, and singing with various groups. I am an avid sports fan, and will always support my teams from Philadelphia, even from afar.
I have a passion for sharing God’s love with young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and so I have opted for the gap:margins placement. And I am excited that I will be based in Aberdeen. This will allow me to create relationships with the young people I serve, guiding them along in their faith exploration, and having fun with them while we go. As well as this, there will also be training and study, wider SU events, camps and holiday clubs, and an international mission trip.