Jenny Thomson

Hello, I am pleased to share with you the work of SU in independent schools in the east of Scotland!
Below is a snapshot of what is going on. If you would like to have a more detailed picture, please register for the twice-yearly independent schools’ newsletter, which you can do on this page. There are many opportunities to further the Good News which requires more volunteers. If you would like to help in this way, please get in touch. If time is too limited to volunteer, perhaps you would like to support the work in independent schools financially, there is a link on this page to do so. Thank you in advance for partnering in this way and supporting more work being done!
One of our values in SU Scotland is dependence on God, so prayer for the work being done in independent schools is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to join the group of teachers, parents, and others involved with independent schools, to pray twice a year, please get in touch and I shall be glad to send you information.
There are also monthly opportunities to join me in praying for the work in independent and Edinburgh state schools at es-team (the Edinburgh Schools Team) prayer meetings. Please get in touch for more details.
As part of es-team, I contribute to our es-team newsletter, if you would like to receive copies of these please email me or use the small form on this page.
Our hope is that every school in Scotland would be prayed for. To find out more and get involved please look here.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
I am glad to be involved in the life of a school and have opportunities to speak at assemblies and chapel services. I also deliver Christmas and Easter presentations to P6-P7 classes, as part of the RME, which is a huge privilege and greatly enjoyed by the pupils and appreciated by busy teachers.
Some of the highlights of my week often come from visits to SU Groups. It’s wonderful to spend time with the children and young people in their schools, gathering together to look at God’s word and have fun and fellowship together. These groups can be significant places of learning and prayer and provide a place to be salt and light.
Supporting the parents, teachers and youth workers who run the groups is a pleasure; their talent, sacrifice and commitment never fails to inspire. Taking senior pupils through the Equip Pupil Leader Training course is particularly exciting. Each new team of pupil leaders brings fresh ideas and energy to their SU Group and without fail, each leader grows in confidence and faith.
Holidays and Weekends
The value of spending a concentrated time with children and young people in a temporary Christian community cannot be overestimated. If you are a parent, perhaps you would consider sending your child to the independent school’s weekend, where a taste of the activities and fun can be sampled? A weekend flies by quickly, so many campers like to return for a week-long holiday, which they would be welcome to spend with me at AV7, the final SU Holiday of the summer at Alltnacriche near Aviemore. Details of all weekends and holidays can be found here.
I encourage pupils in S5 and S6, who want to learn about being leaders in their churches or on SU Holidays and Missions, to join me at Basecamp on Arran as part of the COmMISSION programme. The week of Bible teaching, mentoring and practical training provides a strong foundation to grow in faith and is often the start of wonderful friendships.
Without prayer, financial and practical support from churches, this work could not continue. I would be delighted to come and speak about the work of SU Scotland in your church service and am always happy to see how we can partner together in the schools and community.
Local Events
Senior school is one of the most challenging places to be a Christian, so providing regular fellowship, fun and teaching for young people is vital. Once a month during term time es-team delivers Spotlight events for S1-2 and Equip events for S3-6. We can also be found at Magnitude events. Details of these events can be found here.
Thank you for taking time to read a little of what’s going on in independent schools in the east of Scotland. If you would like to find out more or support the work in some way, I would be delighted to speak with you and encourage you to become part of what God is doing!