Heather Merriman

Hello, I’m delighted to be working as part of es-team (Edinburgh Schools Team) for SU Scotland in North and West Edinburgh.
Below is a brief overview of what is going on. If you would like to know more, please do sign up for our termly newsletter. You can do from the right-hand side of this page. Alternatively, you can get in touch with me at any point using the details above.
There are lots of ways to get involved – through praying, volunteering, or giving financially. If you would like to help in any way, then I would love to hear from you! The more people involved, the more people we can reach with the Gospel!
The schools I cover, along with all their associated primaries, several special schools, RC schools and Edinburgh’s Gaelic Primary School, include:
The Royal High School
Craigroyston High School
Trinity Academy
Broughton High School
Drummond High School
Leith Academy
Currie High School
Balerno High School
Craigmount High School
Queensferry High School
Wester Hailes High School
It is great to have an open door into many of these schools, with a growing number of SU groups meeting regularly. There are also opportunities to do Bible Alive lessons, Christmas and Easter presentations, RME lessons and assemblies.
A lot of this work is down to dedicated volunteers to whom I am incredibly grateful and enjoy supporting. There are also a growing number of senior pupils leading SU groups in their school which is wonderful to see!
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
Holidays and Weekends
Residential events provide a wonderful opportunity to get alongside children and young people for a longer span of time than is possible during school hours. These events allow young people to deepen relationships with each other and with God, with lots of time to explore the Bible and have fun together.
There are Edinburgh weekend camps that happen in February and May, alongside a full programme of SU holidays in Easter, Summer and October. Find out more about SU holidays.
There are also training events for senior pupils and young adults to help them grow in their faith and equip them to live out their faith and share it with others. If you know of anyone interested in these opportunities, then take a look at the COmMISSION page.
SU Scotland aims to work in partnership with churches to reach children and young people in their local communities. Without the prayers, financial and practical support of churches, much of what we do would not be possible. If you would like to know more about how we could partner together then please get in touch.
Local events
There are several events that run throughout the year for young people in Edinburgh.
Spotlight is a monthly group for those in S1-S2 with games, snacks, Bible teaching, group discussion and prayer.
Equip is a monthly group for those in S3-S6 looking at some of the big questions young people, or their friends, may have about God, the Bible or Christianity.
Magnitude Worship Nights are an extension of the summer festival. They seek to bring young people together to encounter God in His word, in worship and by His Spirit.
Dates for all upcoming events can be found on the Events page.
One of SU Scotland’s values is dependence on God and so prayer is a key part of what we do. To sign up for prayer updates please contact me and I’ll make sure you are added to the list to receive those.
We also encourage people to pray for their local schools and want to see every school in Scotland being prayed for. You can find out more about Pray for Schools Scotland, and register to pray for your local schools here.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read about SU’s work in North and West Edinburgh. If you would like to know more about anything, or get involved in any way, then I would love to hear from you.