Elizabeth McDowall
Prayer & Church Partnerships Coordinator
E: prayer@suscotland.org.uk
T: 0141 352 7632 (Tues, Wed, Fri)
New Olympia House
13 Olympia Street
G40 3TA

Elizabeth has been SU Scotland's part-time Prayer Coordinator since 2008 and Prayer & Church Partnerships Coordinator since 2013. Elizabeth's role is to inspire prayer for SU Scotland by resourcing our faithful prayer supporters, and encourage prayer for schools by administering Pray for Schools Scotland. Elizabeth also seeks to support our network of Ambassadors, passing on news and information that can be shared with churches.
"We are very blessed as SU Scotland to have so many faithful supporters who are committed to, and invested in, SU ministry in terms of praying individually and corporately - and also willing to share what we do with their church. It is a privilege to be able to serve them! Editing the @SU Prayer Diary, providing a monthly prayer sheet, and sharing monthly news with Ambassadors brings a lot of encouragement: month by month, it is incredible to see how God is answering prayer in the lives of children and young people. There is a fresh hunger for God, and it is exciting to be part of that."