Craig Morris

Hello! Be encouraged that the work of SU Scotland in Glasgow is growing. Please read on to find out in more detail of all that’s taking place within Scotland’s biggest city!
Please get in touch if you’d like to be more involved or if you’d like to join the SU Glasgow prayer newsletter mailing list you can register at the bottom of this page.
Prayer Central – Colossians 4v2-3a
"Give a lot of time and effort to prayer. Always be watchful and thankful. Pray for us too. Pray that God will give us an opportunity to preach our message."
At SU Scotland we are dependant on prayer as the bedrock from which we do all ministry and the work in Glasgow is exactly the same. It’s a privilege to know that so many people are praying for me as I go about my responsibilities of increasing SU Groups across Glasgow schools and run residential events.
Our Pray for Schools page is one way of being joining the partnership of praying for Glasgow – here you can sign up to pray for a local school. Perhaps it’s one you have a link with through children in your family or teachers you know. Perhaps it’s one you pass often. By signing up you can opt to be linked with others praying for this school, or simply let us know that someone is remembering this school in prayer as we aim to make every school a prayed for school.
You can find updates and stories of answered prayer as well as specific prayer requests in my termly newsletter.
Local Ministry Hubs – Philippians 1v5
“I am happy because you have joined me in spreading the good news. You have done so from the first day until now.”
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs. What is a local ministry hub I hear you say? Here’s SU Scotland Director of Local Ministries Zonya Bewick explain exactly the vision of a Local Ministry Hub.
In short, local people, from local churches, praying for their local schools. If you’d like to be involved in a Glasgow local ministry hub, you can register here or send me an email
Open Bibles; Schools Ministry – Deuteronomy 4v10
"Remember the day you stood at Mount Horeb. The Lord your God was there. He said to me, “Bring the people to me to hear my words. I want them to learn to have respect for me as long as they live in the land. I want them to teach my words to their children.”"
SU Groups
There are 49 High Schools and 141Primary Schools in Glasgow and we would love to see children and young people in all of them have the opportunity to explore the Bible. There are countless testimonies from SU Scotland volunteers who can say that having attended their school SU Group was the first time they heard the Good News of Jesus. Let’s pray that for this current generation as we equip volunteers to lead more Glasgow SU Groups in more Glasgow schools
Biblical Workshops
SU Scotland deliver Christmas and Easter interactive presentations for senior primary pupils – these are greatly enjoyed by pupils and teachers alike. If you would like to be involved but have little time, these might be just the opportunity you’re looking for. Our Glasgow Associate Trust, The Wheel Trust are pioneering this work in the city and I would love to see more workshops in more Glasgow schools in the very near future.
Bible Alive
SU Scotland also offer opportunities to explore the Bible in class time. Bible Alive is an interactive and lively journey through the whole Bible in seven one hour sessions for P5-7. This programme receives great reviews from teachers and pupils. I would love to see this area of ministry grow within the SU Glasgow big picture.
Disciples Making Disciples - Matthew 28v19
“Then Jesus came to them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So you must go and make disciples of all nations.””
Equip West
Equip West provides eight opportunities across the academic year for high school aged Christians to gather and grow in their faith. We tackle some of the more difficult topics which we know young people are facing with the hope that they learn to be more confident to shine for Jesus in their school. You can find out more at
Equip Pupil Leader Training
If you are in S3 to S6, and know and love Jesus, and want to start an SU group in your school or help lead one that already exists, join us and the 100+ young people who have gone before you - take up the baton of leadership! Take time to learn and discuss what it looks like to lead an SU group in your school. You are the very best people to take on this role!
Residentials Transform Lives - Romans 12v2
“Don’t live the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Romans 12v1-2 are some of my favourite verses of Scripture and being on SU residentials are my favourite aspects of my role as the Glasgow Regional Worker. I am Team Leader of the Glasgow primary aged weekend and the Glasgow secondary aged weekend which both run from SU Activity Centre at Gowanbank. These weekends have had a great impact of young people and it’s a brilliant way to connect a lot of the activities we run. I know of many pupils who attend their SU Groups, then they attend the Glasgow weekend event which gives them a taste of what a week long holiday can be like.
I Co-Team Lead SU Holiday GB4 which is a brilliant camp where we have seen such a great impact on young people either making a commitment of faith or cementing their faith and growing in their walk with Jesus. GB4 is one of the most popular SU Holidays we offer and it’s a privilege to lead the amazing team of volunteers.
Serving the Churches – Acts 9v31b
“The church was strengthened and grew larger. That’s because they worshiped the Lord and the Holy Spirit helped them.”
Jesus loves the church and so do I! I’m so grateful for the support that local churches give to the work of SU Scotland – there are many things that wouldn’t be possible without them. In return, if your church would appreciate help with children’s ministry training, holiday clubs or letting your young people know about our events, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my page. I value the support, the investment, the prayers and all those who join me in the field of Glasgow ministry!