Caroline Boyers

Hi! I’ve been working with SU Scotland since February 2024. My role is to work with schools in the Clackmannanshire county to deliver Bible Alive sessions, encourage new SU groups to start, support existing ones, as well as promote other areas of ministry within SU Scotland. I am extremely passionate to see children and young people get the opportunity to explore the bible and to learn about the significance of Jesus.
It is such a joy to go into schools and to share the bible with children who might not have known about it's significance before. It is a delight to watch children genuinely be excited about what we have to share with them, and to hear their questions afterwards. I feel very blessed to do what I do! Here are some of the areas that are involved in my role:
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.” Colossians 4v2-3a
One of our anchors at SU Scotland is prayer. Prayer is absolutely central because everything that we do is rooted in dependence on God through prayer. We pray personally and corporately because we believe that God moves when His people pray. We are so grateful to everyone who prays for our work, because we know it makes such a difference!
Our Pray for Schools page is where you can sign up to pray for a local school. This could be a school that you have a link with through children in your family or teachers you might know. Perhaps it’s one that you pass by often. By signing up you can opt to be linked with others praying for this school, or simply let us know that someone is remembering this school in prayer as we aim to make every school a prayed for school.
If you would like to support us in prayer, we have regular prayer meetings across the county. If you would like details of when and where the prayer meetings will be please contact me to find out more, or to sign up for the quarterly prayer news which includes our prayer dates and locations.
Local Ministry Hubs
Our vision at SU Scotland is to see every child and young person in Scotland exploring the Bible and responding to the significance of Jesus. There are over 700,000 children and young people in schools in Scotland which seems like such a huge number to reach. But yet, a key way we are looking to do this is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster. There are approximately 360 high schools in Scotland, which definitely seems like a much more manageable number. Therefore we would love to see ministry hubs working with churches and other Christian organisations set up to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools. These hubs would meet once or twice a term to pray for each school in the local high school cluster. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
School SU Groups are a great opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible at lunchtimes or after school in a safe setting that is open to all, regardless of faith, background, orientation or disability. There are 3 public high and 19 primary schools in Clackmannashire, and not all of these have an SU group running. If you might be able to get involved with an SU group in the area or if you are interested in starting a new one, click here to find out more!
Bible Alive is an interactive and lively journey through the whole Bible during class time. It covers the whole storyline of the Bible using a wide range of teaching methods including storytelling, music, drama, costumes, props and video in seven one hour sessions for P5-7. It also incorporates Rhyme and Sign – a set of rhyming couplets accompanied by British Sign Language signs.
Bible Alive fits with all 4 capacities of the Curriculum for Excellence and it covers many of the learning outcomes in the Christianity section of the RME Curriculum, and some of the Judaism ones as well.
We would love to take Bible Alive into as many schools as possible. If you would like to have someone deliver Bible Alive in your school, or accompany us into a school in your area, or if you would like to train to deliver Bible Alive yourself please do get in touch.
We are so grateful for the support that local churches give to the work of SU Scotland – and lots of our work is made possible because of that support and their involvement too.
If you are a church in the Clackmannanshire area with a passion for your local schools please get in touch. There are a number of ways that we can work with churches to impact local schools; these include SU groups, Christmas and/or Easter journeys and Bible Alive.
If you’d like to hear more about what God is doing in Clackmannanshire then why not sign up for our Stirling and Clackmannanshire quarterly prayer newsletter, which you can do on this page (by the donation bit).