Carol Baird

Hello and welcome to our Ayrshire Regional Work information page. I am so pleased you have decided to check out all that is going on in Ayrshire. God is clearly at work in the lives of children and young people in Ayrshire, and we would love you to partner with us to be part of this.
Recently we have been asking people for financial support. If you would like to support the local work in Ayrshire, you can do so on this page by filling in the 'Give to Support Ayrshire' section. In Ayrshire we work very closely with Colin & Sylvia at Gowanbank so alternatively if you would like to support the Gowanbank Conference centre, please click on this link.
Within Ayrshire we are a group of followers of Jesus who want to give children and young people the chance to explore the Bible and form a response to what they learn. We believe in a God who knows and loves each child and young person in the region, and who has an abundant life to offer them. So, come and join us! Whatever you have to offer, there’s space for you to serve God within Scripture Union in Ayrshire.
Below is a snap shot of what is going on. If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for my termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. Also there are so many opportunities to further the Good News, we always need more volunteers! If time is too limited to volunteer, you can support the region financially on this page too. The more people involved in volunteering and giving - the more we can do!
We realise we cannot do this alone but are dependent on God, which is why prayer is a crucial part of what we do. We are immensely grateful to all our prayer supporters who faithfully use the @SU prayer diary, meet with others to pray for the ministry, and pray for regularly for specific schools.