Archie McBean

Hi there and thank you for your interest in SU Scotland and what we are doing in Moray, South Highlands and Islands!
Below is a brief summary of what is currently happening across the region, I’d love to share more with you, and I can if you register for my prayer newsletter. You will find the link at the bottom of this page.
I would also like to hear from you if you have a passion for seeing children and young people in your community respond to the significance of Jesus, do get in touch if you would like to be involved.
Philippians 4 verse 6 reads . .
“do not be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
That is our starting point in all that we seek to do and achieve through our ministry at SU Scotland, if you have not already, I would like to invite you to join us in strategic prayer opportunities.
Our Pray for Schools page is one way of being involved – here you can sign up to pray for a local school. Perhaps it’s one you have a link with through children in your family or teachers you know. Perhaps it’s one you pass often. By signing up you can opt to be linked with others praying for this school or simply let us know that someone is remembering this school in prayer as we aim to make every school a prayed for school.
We also have a monthly online regional prayer gathering. Contact me to find out more, or to sign up for my triannual prayer news below which includes dates.
Local Ministry Hubs
Our ambition is to reach every child and young person in Scotland and our local ministry hubs around each high school cluster can make this happen. This is an opportunity for Christians in your locale to mee, discuss and pray for their respective schools and collaborate towards bringing meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you would like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
School SU Groups offer the opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible at lunchtimes or after school in a safe setting that is accessible, regardless of faith, background, orientation or disability. Across Moray, South Highlands and Islands there are currently 72 primary schools and 15 Secondary School each of them has the potential of hosting or connecting with an SU group in their area and you could be the one to get it started or help by volunteering! Get in touch to find out more.
SU Scotland also offer opportunities to explore the Bible in class time. Bible Alive is an interactive and lively journey through the whole Bible in seven one hour sessions for P5-7. This programme receives great reviews from teachers and pupils and is currently being delivered in Moray, we would love to expand the spread and availability of Bible Alive to more schools, and SU offers training opportunities, if you are interested in finding out more get in touch.
In addition, SU has the resources to equip local churches support their local schools particularly through our Christmas and Easter Journey events, if you are a teacher, or member of a local church that is looking to host a journey experience for your primary school, again get in touch.
ROOTED in MORAY is a growing fellowship of churches throughout the Moray region committed to drawing together once a month to provide opportunities for Secondary aged pupils to come together, build friendships, enjoy food, games and explore the bible together.
We are committed to helping create more opportunities across South Highlands and Islands for our young people to build friendships and be encouraged in their faith, if you would like to get involved get in touch.
Holidays & Weekends
Here in the heart of our region we benefit from one of SU Scotland’s residential centres – Alltnacriche in Aviemore. Alltnacriche offers a host of indoor and outdoor activities for children and young people to enjoy whether as a school residential or one of our SU residential Holiday events. Visit our SU Holidays page for more info. To ensure every child and young person could attend one of our residentials we have a bursary programme in place to ensure there is no obstacle to getting along, get in touch!
I heard someone once describe SU Scotland as the bridesmaid to the bride and it's a lovely analogy of our relationship to the churches of Scotland. As an organization, we are an active expression of the Church both nationally and locally, we are so dependent and thankful for the prayers, the volunteers and financial support of the churches in Scotland, so that we might in turn support you fulfil your call to the children and young people in your communities.
We would love an opportunity to work with you and support your outreach into your local community, so, get in touch and if you would like to support the work of SU Scotland remember you can do so through praying, volunteering and financially giving to the work, whether as a church or individual giving.
I want to thank you for visiting my page and catching a glimpse of what is happening in our region. Signing up for my tri-annual prayer letter below will keep you up to date on what is happening and if you have some good news stories that you would like to share let me know.
Join us in our vision,
“To see every child and young person in Scotland engage with the bible and respond to the significance of Jesus”
Together, by God’s grace and favour we can do this.