Bible Alive
This exciting programme teaches children in P5–P7 the whole storyline of the Bible in a series of interactive multi-media lessons.
Bible Alive began in Scotland in 2005 (developed from a programme by Walk Through The Bible) and it has been run by SU Scotland since 2011. It has been designed to contribute to the experiences and outcomes in the RME section of Curriculum for Excellence, and it is currently used in around 70 Scottish schools each year.
Bible Alive uses story-telling, music, drama, puppets, quizzes, activities, props and costumes to bring the Bible to life. It is held together by Rhyme & Sign, a set of ten rhyming couplets which recap the story of the Bible, accompanied by British Sign Language signs. The programme is flexible and the whole Bible is usually taught in schools in one hour lessons over 5–8 weeks.
Get trained to deliver Bible Alive
Everyone using Bible Alive in schools has successfully completed a training course. Information on upcoming courses can be found on our events page.
Please contact Lesley Crawford or Valerie Sim if you have any questions.
Bible Alive in Your School
If you would like to find out more about Bible Alive – to find out if it is being used in your area, to arrange to come and watch a lesson, or for more information about training to teach Bible Alive - please contact Lesley Crawford or Valerie Sim.