Missions and holiday clubs provide a fabulous setting for children to have fun together and find out more about Jesus. We partner with churches, providing support, advice, training and resources.

The Great Glen Green Welly Garden Show

Unfolding the story in the Bible of Gods relationship with us!

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Jungle Adventure Holiday Club

Discover how Jesus is the greatest guide ever!

Scotland's Biggest Holiday Club

Explore the universe and Gods great creation this Summer!


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We have many years’ experience partnering with local churches to run Holiday Clubs and Missions.

In cities, towns, rural communities and on islands, Holiday Clubs and Missions help children and young people explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus.

SU Scotland's partnership offers support, training, advice, resources and leadership development for churches with whom we partner in mission.

Might this support be of interest to your church, or churches in your community?

In 2022, we are piloting two new models of mission

  • Football. Offering coaching and skills development alongside Bible engagement
  • Holiday Hunger. with 1 in 4 children in Scotland living in relative poverty, food insecurity is a real issue for many families in holiday periods in many communities.

It would be a privilege to explore what might be possible to help your church(es) grow in mission to children and young people. 

Our strong preference is partnering with more than one church within a community, drawing team together across churches, expressing unity in Christ, and led by an SU Team Leader,

If you’d like to explore what partnering with SU Scotland may look like for your church(es), please be in contact with us: Bruce.Lockhart@suscotland.org.uk

SU Scotland Holiday Club resources
  • Scotland's Biggest Holiday Club

    Explore the universe and Gods great creation this Summer!


    Explore more...
  • Jungle Adventure Holiday Club

    Discover how Jesus is the greatest guide ever!

  • The Great Glen Green Welly Garden Show

    Unfolding the story in the Bible of Gods relationship with us!

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SU Scotland Holidays Clubs - 2024
  • Leith Churches Holiday Club
    Join us in Edinburgh this Summer!
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  • Bannockburn Holiday Club
    Join us in Bannockburn this summer!
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  • Friary Holiday Club
    Join us in Dundee this summer!
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  • St John's Colinton Mains and Craiglockhart Holiday Club
    Join us in Oxgangs this summer!
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  • Ferguslie Park Holiday Club
    Join us in Paisley this Summer!
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  • Eyemouth Holiday Club
    Join us in the Scottish Borders this Summer!
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