Calling all in S1-6! Join us at Equip Dundee to be equipped to live out your faith! Come with your church youth group, or you come on your own if you aren't part of a youth group! We'll have games, snacks, worship, a Bible talk, small group chat and a Q+A time.

Hillbank Church, Coton Road, Dundee | 7-9pm | £3


27 Sep | Can Christians have a fun life?
Scott Hamilton, St Andrews Free Church

29 Nov | Can Christians disagree?
Matty Blakeman, Hillbank Church

21 Feb | How do I cope with being a Christian at school?
Rachel Henry, Young Life

25 Apr | Dealing with the unknown
Zonya Bewick, SU Scotland

20 June | Why does God want to define me?
(Speaker to be confirmed)


Youth leaders! Register your group using this link.

If you're coming on your own without a youth group, ask your parent/carer to complete this form.

You will only be required to register once to attend all events.