Pray for Schools Scotland
Every school a prayed for school!
The need to pray for schools
How many schools are in your town or county? Do you know? The answer is... lots! Thousands of Scottish children are in school each day of the year. As Christians, we want to bless our schools by praying for them - asking God's favour upon them and all who work and attend them.
Children and young people spend the majority of their waking hours in school - far more than in church or at home. We know schools have a huge impact on their attitudes, ideas and thinking: about themselves, the world, and God. Some are thriving and flourishing. Others are struggling, battling against poverty and additional support needs. Each one is made in the image of God. They are the adults of tomorrow. Will you pray for them?
Can you commit to pray, in a way that suits you? Pray as an individual... or as a church, might you consider praying for all your local schools?
Prayer changes things. It makes a difference. Register to pray today for your local school.
Register the schools you are praying for
By registering your prayers for a school, you are joining a network that stretches across the whole of Scotland. If you would like to link up with others praying for the same school as you, tick 'Link up'. We will then pass on your email address to the other person registered, inviting them to get in touch (which is at their own discretion). Across Scotland we have a team of SU Scotland Regional Workers who are involved in schools ministry and support others who volunteer in and pray for schools. Check the 'link up with my Regional worker' box, or choose to receive their newsletter if you would like to find out more.
When you register we will send you a Welcome email and a Pray for Schools Update. Following this you will receive an email update once a term with school-related stories, information and encouragement to keep praying.
Across Scotland there are groups of people who meet to pray for schools. Interested? Email to find out where and how you can join in. Or get in touch if you would like to start your own schools prayer group!
Download the 'Prayed for schools' document to find out. Even if a school is already being prayed for, please do register with us, as it keeps us up-to-date with what is happening around the country.
As an individual. You don't need to have a relationship with a school to start praying, only a heart to pray. You can pray for your local school, or even one in another part of the country you once attended. If you know a child or young person at school - or a school staff member - you could commit to pray for them.
As a group. PFSS can help you link up with others praying for the same school. We have seen prayer groups form through people linking up with one another! Or why not begin a school prayer group, inviting pupils, parents, grandparents, church friends? Some school prayer groups already meet in various locations across the country - check out where. They would love you to join them!
As a church. Regularly highlight your local school in your prayers and encourage others to pray for schools within a radius of your church. If you are a church leader, have you looked at our Back to School with God resources? These are free resources for leading an all-age service at the start of a new school year - ideal for supporting pupils and teachers in prayer!
The special event. If you are interested in holding a special prayer service to highlight the need for school prayer and bring people from various churches together to pray, do get in touch. We can help with ideas and resources.