Magnitude | Sam
Sam Rae shares about preparation to lead worship alongside the wider team at this summer’s Magnitude Festival.
It is helpful, I think, to kick off by saying when it comes to leading worship, the first place of preparation must start within! Am I deeply aware of the abundant love God has for me today? How might I follow him today? Am I holding back from him in any areas of my life? Ultimately our own closeness with Jesus is our priority as leaders, and this is always a dance with God as he calls us deeper in knowing him and giving more of ourselves over to him.
Thinking a bit about our team, over the last few years there have been particular values that we’ve felt God call us to in shaping how we 'do team' and serve at the festival.
- A servant heart: Everyone in that tent is a child of God gathering in wonder of Jesus—our role is simply to facilitate the space for people to be open to Jesus revealing himself to them.
- Approaching worship with an expectation of encounter: Ultimately God has promised His with-ness, and we believe that as we look towards him, he loves to meet with us. When this is the mix, it’s hard not to get excited for all he might do!
- Aiming for excellence: This reaches how we honour Jesus, one another as team, and the young people, where learning parts and being musically tight is one side, but so is how we speak and communicate to each other.
- A deep rootedness in being real family with each other: simply, God always calls us to go together, and it’s so much better to celebrate the wins and help each other in difficulty as team this way!
One of the real shaping passages of scripture for how we worship Jesus at Magnitude is 2 Corinthians 3:18, which describes how, 'And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.' There is this sweet picture of us having the veil removed post Jesus resurrection, getting to behold God the Father, and as we do that he promises to come near to us by His Spirit and make us more into the people we were always made to be. We spend a lot of time contemplating how God guides us in scripture in how to worship him, but this has always been a beautiful snapshot of the mystery of worship!
There is no question that Magnitude is full-on with two main sessions each day. The team for each session changes as we aim to be on for two sessions and off for one, giving everyone time to rest. As well as the two sessions, we need to fit in rehearsals and team time where we have a laugh and encourage one another, so it’s a busy schedule, but also great fun.
My own experience of God’s call to be a worship leader came through the worship and prayer ministry at Soul Survivor. I grew up going to SU Holidays, study camps, Go Conference and Basecamp and think back to moments when Jesus came into clear focus for me. At Soul Survivor I had a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit that shaped my choices to lead worship and study music. It’s a privilege now to see young people on their own journeys with God! When we pray for Magnitude, we ask that God will do 'immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine'. I don’t know what it will look like—I don’t want to measure—but there is expectation and a growing sense of God doing that exact work amongst the young people in Scotland. I'm simply in awe of how God is shaping them to be the kingdom of God throughout our culture.
Sam Rae
Sam Rae is joint worship leader for Magnitude, with Sam Hibbard and Charlotte Holden. He has just finished a degree in music from Napier University and contributes to worship at Central Church in Edinburgh.