Gap Year
Creating opportunities to grown in faith, explore your skills and develop in confidence.
Applications open until 23 May 2025. Apply soon to avoid disappointment as placements are limited.
Selection Days:
22nd March: Apply by 21st February to be considered
7th June: Apply by 23rd May to be considered
- make a difference in Scotland
- encounter God as you step out in faith
- be discipled, trained and mentored
- grow in faith as you discover new gifts and callings
- share Jesus with young people
- go on an international mission trip
...then this might be the Gap Year for you!
Are you looking for time out that provides personal growth and discipleship as well as opportunities to make a difference? If so, then a gap year with Scripture Union Scotland, may be for you!
Our gap year programme runs from August to August each year, with a strong missional focus. Our aim is to train and equip young adults to be salt and light by providing them with opportunities to help children and young people encounter God through sharing their faith and exploring the Bible. Further information from
This is for you if you’re…
- a school leaver up to age 25+
- passionate about young people’s ministry
- seeking guidance about your future
- exploring a calling to mission or ministry
- wanting to serve God in a hands-on way
- looking to challenge your faith and move forward in your walk with God
What to expect...
- A unique and exciting experience both here in Scotland and internationally
- Specific and practical training for your placement alongside experienced practitioners.
- To work with and affect the lives of young people in a huge variety of contexts.
- Support, care and advice throughout your year and beyond.
You have the chance to choose from a huge range of placement options to begin to shape a gap year that will meet your needs, gifts and interests.... and then shape you!
gap:local is a busy, varied placement in the front line of ministry. Alongside a regional worker you’ll help to run SU Groups, Weekends, SU Holidays, youth groups, holiday clubs, discipleship groups for senior pupils or training with volunteers. Be ready for the unexpected!
gap:centre is based at one of our three centres (Lendrick Muir, Alltnacriche, or Gowanbank), working mostly with the schools team, providing an excellent residential experience for others.
gap:at-the-margins is based with youth projects in priority communities across Scotland. You will help lead a range of social and emotional support groups and SU Groups; take part in detached work and drop-ins clubs; and be on the team for relevant residentials. Due to the nature of this placement it is only open to applicants over the age of 20.
gap:fusion is a split year between gap:local and one of our centres. Lendrick Muir and Alltnacriche provide school, SU and church residentials during term time, with activities from mountain biking to nature trails, and, of course, SU Holidays in between terms. You’ll work with groups directly as well as practically contributing to the day to day running of the centre.
gap:church is your chance to gain insight and expertise in what it means to work for a church. You’ll serve on staff at a local church with their youth and children through the week and participating in their Sunday programme. You will also spend part of your time with a Regional Worker to see how church and schools work complement one another.
gap:digital is your chance to get involved in every aspect of our digital youth work programme. If you have a passion for building community online, gaming and getting hands-on with content creation that’s all about faith and young people, then this placement is for you!

There's no way to get around it: gap years cost money. We’ll help you with ideas and resources to raise support for your gap year, as well as help to write regular prayer letters for your financial and prayer supporters.
Gap year without accommodation: £3000
Gap year with accommodation: £4400
Accommodation will be in an SU Scotland centre or with a host family local to your placement.
Both options include the costs of the mission trip and specific travel expenses.
As part of an organisation working in over 130 countries, we want you to get a real taste of what international mission looks like! Prepare to step out of your comfort zone as you take part in a 2 week international mission trip. You’ll receive training before you go, support from a team leader and will find a huge variety of ways to serve the people you meet.