@SU Magazine | July 2022

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is full of stories from our volunteers, updates from our centres, plans for the summer, and more!

@SU Magazine | March 2022

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is full of stories from our volunteers, sharing how and why they got involved with SU Scotland.

2020-21 Annual Review

'Looking back on the past year of ministry during academic session 2020/21, it has definitely been a year of two halves...'

@SU Magazine | November 2021

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition looks back at an amazing summer but also looks forward to how we can prepare, grow, build...and 'reimagine the future'.

@SU Magazine | July 2021

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition, titled "Hope for hard days", looks at how our team, volunteers and young people have found hope over the last year and how this has led to unexpected opportunities to develop ministries, reach different people and share good news in innovative ways.

@SU Magazine | March 2021

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition, titled "Doing a NEW thing", looks at how doing things differently over the last year has led to unexpected opportunities to develop ministries, reach different people and share good news in innovative ways.

@SU Magazine | November 2020

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. The content for this edition has been contributed almost entirely by young people who have been sharing their stories, and grilling our CEO.

Good News Stories | Back to School with God

Our hope and prayer is that each family will spend time in prayer together each day, and that like Daniel they'll be able to say that Prayer Shapes and Prayer Saves.

@SU Magazine | July 2020

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition, titled "Connected", celebrates ways we have partnered with others to share good news.

Call to Prayer

Our vision to help children and young people explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus is undiminished. We are asking you to do two key things: Pray and Witness.

@SU Magazine | March 2020

The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. This edition is titled "Inside Out" - focusing on how reading the Bible changes who we are.

Read our Annual Review 2018-2019

Exploring and responding at SU Scotland - A review of 2018/19.